Bug Fixes & New Features

Bug Fixes & New Features

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The latest update for Factorio made a lot of changes.

  • Added an option to invert the scroll wheel zooming direction.
  • Added an option to toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode without having to go into the options menu.
  • Added an option for setting the maximum frame rate.
  • Added an option to hide the map view when in the inventory.
  • Added an option to disable the map rotation with the mouse wheel.
  • Added an option to hide the minimap.
  • Added an option to show the average frame rate in the upper left corner.
  • Added an option to show the current frame rate in the upper left corner.
  • Added an option to automatically save the game when exiting to the main menu.
  • Changed the default key for opening the map to M.
  • Changed the default key for opening the inventory to I.
  • Fixed that the "open all" and "close all" buttons in the map generator GUI worked incorrectly.
  • Fixed that the "open all" and "close all" buttons in the map generator GUI worked incorrectly.
  • Fixed that the map generator GUI didn't close when the "cancel" button was pressed.